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Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The Honest Truth About Making Money Online!

Alright internet users lets cover the ever so popular online money making. Everyone and there little tea cup chihuahua seems to want to make money online. They also seem to think that all you have to do is have a computer and lie in bed to do it. Well lets dive into this subject a little bit.

I just like everyone else have fallen victim to wanting to make money over night online and have paid to try to obtain it. Well it has never worked out for me when I had that mind set. What I have recently discovered is that it IS possible to make money online and lots of it, but it takes some work. Considering that you are sitting on your lazy boy or laying on the couch doing it, obviously it isn't hard work.

So keeping that in mind if you enjoy spending a few hours a day on search engines gathering information then online money making is for you. So now that we have established that let's ask ourselves a question. How do we know what online opportunity is legit and are users making money with it. There are plenty of ways to find this out. Lets start with the main one, which would be search engines. Simply find a program that sounds interesting to you and before investing money punch the title of it in your favorite search engine, what comes up? If all you seem to find are positive results that's a good start. Now to make things interesting type in the program title again and add "scam" at the end, now what comes up? If something does come up make sure you read it and consider anything it says before getting involved.

Another excellent source for researching a program is youtube. A lot like a search engine just type in the program name and include "scam" after it then see what comes up. I have used these tools and have found them extremely useful for keeping my greens in my pocket and not some greasy fool thinking he's smart by scamming people.

Let's move on to the biggest question of all what are the legit ways of making income online. Well I am going to get a bit selfish on this one and post the 2 ways I have found to be legit and easy.

The first one I would like to discuss is found at http://www.HonestlyMakeMoney.com. This program is extremely simple and is legit, easy and inexpensive. Those are things that I look at when finding a program I want to make money with. The cost on this one is $37 and is a one time fee. What struck my interest with this one is it offers a FREE eBook that explains in detail what you would need to do and how to do it BEFORE asking for any money. The only downside to this one is there is not returns. Now I know that kinda sucks, but it is a small fee and if you read up on it a bit there is no real way to offer a refund. That is because they set everything up for you and link it to your paypal it would get very messy if refunds were excepted.

The second program I would like to talk about can be found at http://www.BWieler.ws. This program is absolutely huge. There are thousands of people involved and I couldn't find anyone saying something bad about it. So I got involved and have to say I am quite pleased so far. This program is a very easy to use referral program that offers 5 levels of commissions. There are users making anywhere from $1200 to $12,000 with it. Those numbers are confirmed by the individuals involved. So as you can see it can be extremely lucrative and is 100% legit.

I would say that's enough selling in my blog lol. Anyway those are the 2 offers I have found so far and will continue to keep looking to keep you all posted.

Now lets talk about the real nitty gritty of making money online, advertising. This is one of the hardest things to do and as a result is usually where most people give up. Well lets stop doing that people, because you and I both know that a high percentage of people don't like giving away free money. The reason I say this is because by the time you throw in the towel it is too late to get your money back.

The first step I have found for marketing to build up your courage a little is free classifieds. These site are usually pretty sticky about money making opportunities so make sure you read the terms and conditions before posting. Otherwise you could spend hours posting only to find out the next morning they have all been removed. These sites are easy to find just type in free classifieds in your search engine and away you go.

There are plenty more FREE ways to advertise like safelists. A safelist is simply a network of other people looking to advertise just like you and are probably advertising a money making opportunity. Now I have personally used them and gave up pretty quickly because I didn't find it worked. If you talk to others though they will tell you that safelists work. So again just type in safelists in your search engine and form your own opinion of whether or not they work.

Now that we have discussed some free ways to advertise lets talk payed advertising. The ever famous google adwords!! Well if you are new in internet marketing and making money online my suggestion to you is stay far far away from adwords. The reason I say this is because if you don't have proven sales copies and at least some experience your budget will be gone before you can say big money.

Moving along, there are some inexpensive ways to get some positive results. Such as a flyer mail out. You can get thousands of copies made up for less then $100 and have them sent out by the post office for usually under $200 or just start delivering yourself. Post them up in your community bulletin boards etc. get creative.

Here is something for those of you that have maybe already had some success with the methods I have already mentioned it is called a squeeze page. Some of you might already know what that is some may not. It is a page specifically designed to get you Names and Email addresses. Usually these pages offer either FREE access to something or a FREE eBook. They are an extremely handy tool for building the web marketers list. This list can be used for years to come sending automated emails to your list members on offers you have gotten involved with. If this is something you are not doing I highly suggest you start this is a tool that the big guns are using to get repeat business and lots of one time business. Again simply type in squeeze page in your search engine and there is a heap of FREE information on them.

That about wraps it up for today. Just remember new or not so new internet marketer never get discouraged the Honest Truth is out there and I will do my best to keep bringing it to you.

So long until next time,


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